I wrote a post not too long ago about the benefits of using chia seeds. While chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein and calcium, there is another secret weapon many vegetarians use to obtain some of the vitamins they miss out on by eating a plant-based diet.
I have started using nutritional yeast to season fries, veggies and salads.
First of all, Nutritional Yeast is not active. It cannot be substituted for baking yeast and make your bread rise and it can’t be replaced by brewer’s yeast and make your beer ferment. Nutritional Yeast is added to recipes for extra nutrition and sprinkled atop of variety of dishes to add seasoning.
No salt, no sugar, no gluten, no GMO’s just to start. Nutritional Yeast is very high in the essential B-vitamins, most notably vitamin B-12. Also a good source of dietary fiber as well as protein.
All I know is since discovering this “vegetarian supplement” I use it on almost everything to add flavor. Perhaps my most favorite way to enjoy nutritional yeast is on popcorn. I used to pile on grated parmesan cheese instead of salt, now I sprinkle nutritional yeast on top and my popcorn becomes gourmet with a cheesy and nutty flavor.
I also sprinkle it on pizza for a little cheesy flavor since we have started ordering our pizza without the cheese lately. I truly don’t miss the flavor and the extra calories of all that mozzarella. The key to enjoying pizza without the cheese is to pile on the veggies and by adding a sprinkling of nutritional yeast I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything.
I have not been able to find nutritional yeast in my local Publix grocery store. I have even had a hard time locating it in some of the smaller Fresh Markets, however, it is abundantly available at health food and vitamin stores. I have also learned that it can be found in the bulk bins of many natural food retailers. For as much as I use it, that is the way I need to go.
Luckily, nutritional yeast is also relatively inexpensive so it can be bought in smaller portions for a little money as you decide if this is something for you.
Have you ever tried nutritional yeast? Is it something you would be interested in trying?
Helen Corbin
Wednesday 4th of December 2013
Love reading this :-)